My name is Angela Nwosu and I consider myself a life-scientist. I try until I succeed. I’m not a teacher nor a guru. I’m just a regular woman that loves life and the challenges that come along with it. Today, I live a life dedicated to growth and helping others on their journey.

But it wasn’t always like this. I mean, I always enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest, but I was unaware of what it was I really wanted from life.

What I was missing was a mirror. Somebody that was different than I was. A person that would – just with his presence – force me to overcome the things that where holding me back.

I live in Lagos, Nigeria. I love to live a minimalistic lifestyle, allowing me to focus on what really matters to me. My material belongings fit in 2 suitcases and I am proud of that. I love to travel, experience and taste life wholeheartedly. I usually follow my heart and love to be disobedient with my mind.

My Mission: Educate & Empower

I want to educate and empower all people on the topics and depths of natural intimate health, conscious sexuality, conscious relationships, and self love. I unveil the taboo associated with ones’ sexual wellbeing.

Ultimately, I strive to provide a safe, sacred and comfortable space for people, assisting in their awakening process and ultimately contributing to ones personal transformation and growth.

My Commitment: Nothing Is Taboo

I talk about what others aren’t talking about and I’ll talk about it from my heart. Nothing is taboo. The less I hide, the healthier we all become. I share quality over quantity. I deliver alternatives to the mainstream. I hold the space for deep personal exploration, growth and expansion. I aspire to contribute to overall global consciousness.

That’s enough about me for now since this blog is all about YOU. If you have questions or simply want to say hello, you can inbox me. I would love to hear from you.

I am a Sexual Health-: Sexual Pleasure and Intimate Relationship – “Scientist”. I myself am my best Guinea Pig: I try, I fall, I stand up, I cry, I triumph and I share it all with you. Follow me on my journey to grow on your own journey.
I see you. I care about you. I’m here for you.
Much love?❤️